402.378.9010 service@smedia1.com

Social Media Audit

Social Media, every business owner and manager knows they need to be doing it, but honestly how many of us really know what the “it” actually is?  If I have a Facebook page and add a post once a month is that enough?  Posting every week or a couple of times a week is adding more to your plate then you need!  Facebook, twitter, Snapchat, Four Square, Instagram and whatever is next, to do them all is another full time job!

We will provide a Social Media Audit on your business and provide you with a detailed report including Social Media recommendations to help you reach your Social Media goals.

Social Media Marketing is comprised of four equal parts. Social Listenting, Social Influenging, Social Networking and Social Selling.

Our team follows the Digital Marketer Social Media Guidlines and is Social and Commuinity Manager Certified.