402.378.9010 service@smedia1.com

As the Managing Member of SMedia1.com, short for Social Media 1, I can unequivocally say we are dedicated to helping business owners increase their website ROI. For over a decade the internet has been full of web-SEO guru’s screaming, “You will never be found unless you’re on the first page of Google” and in the second breath, “You can’t get on the first page of Google without my ‘Magic Ticket!'”  Truth be told the “Magic Ticket” isn’t magic at all, it’s called common sense and a little elbow grease, otherwise known as work.

While some of the technology this site promotes is very new, we have been at this marketing game for over 25 years. We use and subscribe to Google best practices as well as continually embrace an educational philosophy that believes none of us are ever done learning. I have earned Certifications from Digital Marketer, as a Analytics & Data Specialist, Consumer Acquisition Specialist, Content Marketing Specialist, Customer Value Optimization Specialist, Certified Optimization & Testing Specialist, Certified Email Marketing Specialist, Certified Search Marketing Specialist, Certified Customer Acquisition Specialist, Certified Social & Community Specialist.