402.378.9010 service@smedia1.com

Store Cards - Gift Cards

Store Card, Gift Card and Loyalty Program, using Mobile Wallet Technology,  to catapult your business forward!  Customers purchase a store card, giving you additional consistent revenue. Customers get instant rewards for using the card!


  • Store Cards
  • Gift Cards
  • Loyalty Programs

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Schedule a Zoom Call

We’ll email you a link

We’ll show you how a Store Card can help even out the cash flow in your business and increase your customer loyalty!

qr code

Scan Me for a quick tour

On an iPhone use your camera. On an Android use your camera or QR scanner.

Our Closed Loop Store Cards

automated lead generation

Gift Cards

Prepaid Gift Cards are deliverd via Messenger, SMS or email which ever the customer prefers. The cards are stored in their phones mobile wallet and are 100% securer.

automated lead generation

Store Cards

Prepaid Store Cards give customers the ability to streamline their purchases. Get Instant Cash back and even Gift a friend!

automated lead generation

Custom Video Avatars

Fully Interactive 3D & 2d Talking Avatars.  Our Lifelike Text To Speech Technology Sounds Like A Human Voice.

What are you waiting for?

Share some Love with your customers!