402.378.9010 service@smedia1.com
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Check Your Email

We’re excited to see how we can help you!

Here’s a few things to get the most out of our call together and some important points…

Ensure you are in a quiet place for our call

Time is a valuable thing. Let’s make sure you are in a quiet area so we can clearly hear each other to get the most out of the call. 

Be ready for my phone call

Unfortunately if you don’t answer the phone when we call, you will loose your slot and have to reschedule in another time. If you know in advance you won’t be able to make it, just use the reschedule link in your email from Calendly. 

Make sure you have great signal

If the phone is constantly cutting in and out during or call it’s going to be very difficult for me to be able to listen and understand your business problems and help solve them.

Plan in advance and find a quiet place in a good signal area.

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